Patient-Centered Care for Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Lynchburg, VA

obstructive sleep apnea

Could You Be Suffering From Sleep Apnea?

Obstructive sleep apnea occurs when the soft tissues of the throat relax in such a way that they can close off your airflow as you sleep, causing your body to stop breathing until decreased oxygen levels notify your body to wake up and gasp in air. This is commonly confused with snoring, as sleep apnea is often associated with loud, chronic snoring as the soft tissues in the throat partially obstruct airflow prior to closing off the airway completely.

It can be difficult to know whether you are suffering from sleep apnea without seeing a professional doctor. After all, because you are asleep when the symptoms of sleep apnea present themselves, sufferers may not even realize they are actually waking up multiple times over the course of the night due to a lack of air. As such, it is often the partners, family members or roommates of sleep apnea sufferers that first notice the signs.

Symptoms of Sleep Apnea

The effects of sleep apnea are not limited to the times when you are asleep. There are a variety of signs that may indicate sleep-disordered breathing or sleep apnea that you may be experiencing during the day without knowing the true cause. Consider the following list of symptoms to determine if you or someone you know may need to seek professional treatment for sleep apnea.

Do you or someone you know experience:

  • Loud, chronic snoring punctuated by moments of silence, choking or gasping sounds

  • Extreme tiredness or dizziness during the day, even after a full night’s sleep

  • Depression

  • Difficulty concentrating 

  • High blood pressure

  • Inexplicable mood swings, changes in behavior or sudden irritability

  • A sore throat or regular headaches just after waking up

If any of these sound like you, you may benefit from seeing a professional to determine if you have sleep apnea or sleep-disordered breathing. If you discover you are one of the tens of millions of Americans estimated to be suffering from sleep apnea, Dr. Black is ready to work with you and your doctor to provide you precise, efficient and stress-free treatment. 

What Causes Sleep Apnea?

There are a variety of root causes and risk factors that can lead to sleep apnea, some of them often occurring in tandem with one another. At Sleep Wellness Associates of Lynchburg, Dr. Black is dedicated to discovering the true cause of your sleep apnea and developing a personalized solution based on the latest research, not just masking the symptoms. Those at risk of sleep apnea include:

  • People suffering from obesity
  • Biological males and post-menopausal females 
  • Those taking certain medications that result in relaxed muscles during sleep
  • Individuals with hormonal imbalances 
  • People who sleep on their back
  • Smokers and alcohol drinkers
  • Older individuals 
  • Those with orthodontic complications such as misaligned teeth, a misaligned jaw or issues with the dental arch
  • Those prone to nasal congestion when experiencing allergies or the common cold
adult sleep apnea treatment lynchburg virginia

Treatment for Obstructive Sleep Apnea

A common treatment for sleep apnea is the use of a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine, which utilizes a mask, hose and nosepiece to deliver constant air pressure throughout the night to help you breathe. In some cases, these devices are necessary to minimize the effects of sleep apnea. However, at Sleep Wellness of Lynchburg, we may be able to provide patients with treatments that are smaller, quieter and may even eventually eliminate the need for further treatment.

At Sleep Wellness of Lynchburg, Dr. Black uses her advanced technology and skill from her work as an orthodontist to craft personalized oral appliances that can help to expand the palate and nasal passages that realign your jaw and move the tongue forward to keep the upper airway open and clear, offering many patients a permanent solution without the use a machine to assist in proper airflow. After we work together to determine the root cause of your sleep apnea, Dr. Black may recommend one of the following types of dental appliances.

Braces and Aligners
For those suffering from sleep apnea as a result of misaligned teeth, braces or clear aligners may be recommended to methodically move the teeth into their proper positions. Not only do braces and aligners improve the appearance of a patient’s smile, but they also will realign the teeth and jaw so as not to obstruct airflow when you’re asleep.

Mandibular Advancement Splints
These customized appliances are a type of brace meant to adjust the alignment of your jaw while you sleep. The splint holds the jaw slightly forward and downward while you sleep, manually widening the airway and reducing the likelihood of the soft tissues in your throat obstructing your airflow.