Using Frequency To Relieve Pain and Optimize Balance

The Healy Device

Healy is an FDA-cleared device that uses microcurrent to relieve acute, chronic and arthritic pain and muscle soreness due to overexertion. The device improves the body’s cellular, emotional, and energetic levels to activate self-healing and optimize balance. Healy also has Individualized Microcurrent Frequency (IMF) programs to harmonize your Bioenergetic Field for many essential areas of life.

Healy interacts with your body via electrodes worn on the wrist, ears or adhesive electrodes over pain or spasm areas. The device supplies individualized microcurrents to the body, improving cellular communication and promoting repair, reducing inflammation, and increasing the energy production of the cells and tissues of the body.

Read more about the Healy device and the technology behind it below. If you want to know more about Healy and how it works, ask Dr. Black about it next time you are in the office.

The Science of Frequency

Frequency therapy has been around since the 1930s. Scientists discovered that they could destroy disease-causing microorganisms with the same frequency they emitted. For decades, scientists and practitioners have researched frequency and its effect on the body. A healthy body operates at a frequency from 62-72 megahertz. When this frequency drops below this range, the body becomes susceptible to illness, injury and disease.

Frequency works in the body to transport matter within and between cells. The difference between the voltage inside the cell and the voltage between the cells is responsible for healthy cell metabolism. Healy carries electricity into the body to return the voltage of the cell to a healthy level. This is why frequencies can be applied to the body for many different purposes.

Healy Facts And Benefits

  • Healy is portable and easy to use

  • Healy has over 200 therapies

  • Healy works in all areas of health

  • Healy has more than 9 million frequencies

  • Healy is easily managed from your phone

Disturbances In Your Body And How Healy Helps

When your body is disturbed by physical and emotional challenges, there is an imbalance in your body.

Common disturbances include:

  • Emotions like sadness and anger
  • Physical activities like manual labor, exercise and repetitive movements
  • Daily life, stress, worry, workload

Even if you are healthy and experiencing no physical discomforts, Healy can still benefit you because it does the following:

  • Balances your energy level
  • Supports your immune system, hormones, skin and digestive system
  • Aids with deep relaxation and sleep
  • Restores joy and vitality
  • Improves your sense of well-being

Reasons You Should Use A Healy

  • Healy keeps your body at its ideal frequency, helping to fortify the immune system

  • Relief of acute, chronic and arthritis pain and muscle soreness due to overexertion

  • No prescription required

  • Lightweight and portable

  • FDA-cleared for temporary relief of pain

  • Dr. Black recommends Healy

Healy Device