Real Reviews From Our Patients

“I wasn’t aware that I had sleep apnea, but my wife would occasionally wake me up when I had a really loud snore. She said it sounded like I was choking. She didn’t say that I stopped breathing, but that was manifested when I did the sleep test. That was startling to learn, and I was glad that Dr. Black could have a mouth appliance made that would help to manage the sleep apnea. It was very comforting to be able to do the sleep test at home, instead of doing it at a clinic where I would not have slept well. The mouth appliance is a much better solution than a CPAP machine and I’m grateful to have had Dr. Black’s help in dealing with this situation. Had I not cared for this issue, it would have led to serious health problems. A side benefit is that the mouth appliance has virtually eliminated my snoring, and my wife is happy about that! I don’t know that it was supposed to do that, but that is one of the benefits I’ve experienced. I am grateful for Dr. Black’s knowledge and expertise in this area, and I would highly recommend her services to others dealing with sleep apnea.”


“Dr. Black and her team are wonderful! Dr. Black has been there for us from the beginning and has given us sound advice to help us decide the course of treatment for my daughter. She treats us like family! Love Dr. Black and her team!”

Young-Mee Y.

“The staff at Dr. Black’s office are ALL caring people and explain what is going on step by step which makes a more relaxed visit!!!”

Kassie D.

“I was diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) 12 years ago and a CPAP was ordered. I have used the CPAP for many years with many obstacles to using it. For instance, it took me about a month to get used to the mask and headgear, I didn’t like the lines on my face that are left by the headgear and chin strap, the sore nose caused by pressure from the mask, and the challenges of getting up in the night to use the restroom. At times the CPAP mask would leak air and whistle while I slept, which interrupted my husband’s sleep. I wanted an alternative to CPAP. Dr. Black offered that alternative through the sleep apnea oral appliance. Dr. Black performed several tests to determine if an oral appliance was an option to treat my OSA and I was happy to know it was. From the first night with the oral appliance, I slept well and so did my husband! The oral appliance was easy to adjust to; I can sleep in any position comfortably now and I am no longer tethered by the hose to a CPAP machine. I could go on and on about the advantages of an oral appliance over a CPAP to treat sleep apnea! I highly recommend Dr. Black for treatment of your OSA, especially if you have been on CPAP for a while, don’t use or don’t like the CPAP, or have been recently diagnosed with sleep apnea. Thank you, Dr. Black!”


A patient from Appalachian Orthodontics of Lynchburg shares her positive experience using an oral appliance to treat her sleep apnea. Watch to hear how it has improved her and her husband’s sleep quality, as well as other benefits that the oral appliance has to offer.

“Dr. Black is amazing and really cares about her patients. Excellent experience.”

Krystal S.

“We love all the ladies that work here. They truly take care of their clients.”

Tabitha W.

“Very friendly and knowledgeable staff. Our family will be customers/patients for life.”

Brandon G.

“Great place! Very clean and everyone there was awesome!”

Kyron T.

“I love Dr. Black and her staff. Everything is easy and she has thought of everything!”

Amy S.

“Wonderful experience, kind staff, made me excited to move forward with my treatment.”

Christie S.

“My name is Louise, and I am 73 years old.  My sleep apnea story began long before I realized that there was a condition by that name. In 2003, I was working in public schools as a School Psychologist.  My husband and I had raised two children who were then in their 20’s, the youngest still in college.  I had never been a “morning person”, but realized that life doesn’t allow for one to set her own hours while raising children and having a career.  Getting out of bed before dawn was very tough, and I dragged through the days until at least mid-morning every day. I was chronically tired, as most working moms are.  Oddly, by midmorning on most days, I regained some energy, never knowing that it was taking that much time for my body to build up to a normal blood oxygen level.  Instead, I just labeled myself as lazy and somewhat worthless.”

During that year, my husband started expressing concern about my snoring and restlessness in bed. Embarrassed, and realizing that is not lady-like, I tried all sorts of pillow arrangements and sleeping positions to try to control snoring. Nothing worked and one morning, he told me that I had literally kicked him out of the bed over a dozen times during the night! Time to look for answers and treatment!

Our family doctor instantly suspected sleep apnea and referred me for a sleep study, which was scheduled in early January 2004.  Back then, the patient had to spend the night in a hospital, hooked up to all kinds of cords and electrodes.  The result of the study was a diagnosis of mild to moderate sleep apnea.  My oxygen saturation was  84 during the night. The physician told me that usually with that result, the patient would have emphysema and be on supplemental oxygen. The next step would be to schedule another night in the hospital to be connected to a CPAP machine and titrate it to control the sleep apnea.

Before the second night was scheduled, a tragic event occurred in our family.  My older sister, Sarah, died instantly at age 59.  Sarah had polio at age 9 and had some deformity in her sinuses as a result.  She was a heavy snorer and lived with sinus congestion at night. She actually became addicted to nasal decongestants.  Her death prompted me to research the effects of sleep apnea. Although she was never diagnosed, she had all of the symptoms of the condition.  I was terrified to learn that sleep apnea was closely associated with chronic fatigue and instant death!  How I wish that we had known more about sleep apnea sooner!

My second sleep study was on March 8, 2004. I was connected to a CPAP machine and it was titrated during the night.  I needed 11 pounds of pressure to keep my airway open and prevent apneas.  The physician referred me to a company to order my machine.  As I left the hospital around 6:30 the next morning, I had one of the most amazing experiences!!  I felt WONDERFUL!! The sky was blue, the birds were singing, and I felt rested and full of life!  It just took a few minutes for me to realize the power of having normal oxygen amounts in my blood.

Adjusting to the CPAP machine was difficult but was worth the difference it made in my life every day.  The machines in 2003 were VERY different than they are now. I adapted better than most to life with it. After several years, I learned about dental appliances that possibly could treat sleep apnea.  I was fitted with a very high-end (at that time) one and life was even better!

Fast forward several more years and I began to have problems with tonsilliths.  It began with infrequent ones and progressed to having them in my throat almost constantly.  They were chronic, uncomfortable, and nasty.  In 2014, I finally consulted an ENT and was told that my tonsils were large and the tonsilliths would probably continue to get worse unless we removed the tonsils.  The doctor told me that having a tonsillectomy at my age (66 at that time) would entail about 14 days of severe sore throat.

I happened to notice a banner in his office about sleep apnea surgery.  I was hesitant to inquire about it because I had always been told that sleep apnea surgery didn’t work.  The ENT described the procedure and was very encouraging about the chances of it being successful in my case.  I made the difficult decision to go ahead with it since I was already going to have a tonsillectomy.  I had surgery on May 13, 2014, and, while the recovery was two weeks of extreme discomfort, I am now free of sleep apnea as well as tonsilliths! Understanding that I am very fortunate to have this result, I trusted a wonderful and well-respected doctor to evaluate my case carefully, give me the options, and perform the procedures that I needed to have life-changing results.

If you are still reading this story, thank you for taking the time.  If you are in need of treatment for sleep apnea, PLEASE do whatever you need to do to find the medical professional that is best for you and follow his or her advice.  Your life, or at least your quality of life, literally depends on it!


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